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The content of this web page is property of Alain du Pontavice and is protected by the French national and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property. The terms here expressed can only be modified by Alain du Pontavice or with its written authorization.

Alain du Pontavice does its best to keep the content of its web page updated. Even though the intention of Alain du Pontavice is that all the information presented on this site is accurate and up to date, we must warn that there may be errors. This web page is not updated on a daily basis, which is why some data may have changed since they were published.

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Alain du Pontavice will not be held responsible for damages resulting from the use of the information provided on this web page nor from any access (or access impossibility) to the aforementioned web page. This web page may supply links and/or references to other websites which are not controlled by Alain du Pontavice who therefore does not hold responsibility related to these links or references.


Copyright and intellectual property

The fact that this web page is of free access does not imply the surrender on the part of Alain du Pontavice of its rights or the rights of third parties related to the content which appears on this web page. This content is protected by the French national and international laws on copyright and intellectual property.

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Any other use, total or partial, of any of the elements which appear on this web page, as well as of any work created by Alain du Pontavice, of hisname, pseudonym, image, signature or any property related to her including the public communication and/or the partial or complete reproduction in whichever printed, digital or audiovisual medium, or on the internet, among others, must first be authorized by Alain du Pontavice.

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